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Poetry Issues #9


Poetry Issues #9 is out today. You can also read it here:





Shambling in his old-man slippers

out to the humble unkempt garden

he checked closely with the first dew

in the hanging cheap-blue plastic net

for puny craters on the smooth lard

planets of seeds and dried mealworms

to see if any sparrows had come

or if he would spend the winter alone.




His Greatest Act


He had the mane, alright.

But with the untowardly stretched

pink satin shirt and strassy pants

none of the kids could really tell

that there was an old defeated lion

and not a great illusionist trying

to escape the burning iron cage.




New Paganism


We are so eager to become

nothing but bodies

freed from the hold of endless excuses.

Carnal pleasures aren’t for the fainthearted.


We are so eager to find peace

in the white noise

of a hangover brain. We aren’t ashamed.

This is only a primordial ritualistic instinct.


Quiet people are afraid of Chaos

but they seem to forget

that he gave birth to their cherished Day,

that wry officeholder with the glowing teeth.




The Gigolo Triptych




She dismissed it as

disruption. A waterfall

in a dried up land.




He lowered his head

as his hands smoothed along in

search of her wallet.




She invested in

a more trustworthy asset:

Church-cut dignity.




A Love Story


In the heart of the city

that doesn’t have a heart

I followed the lamplights

for one last time.

The oracle had told me

that a black river ran

through you

and hope had to cross it.

I paddled up the mucous dream-stuff

up to the city’s poisoned hills.

You were nowhere to be found.



[You can read about the project and find other issues here.]

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Last modified on
Thursday, 05 January 2017 16:47
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