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poetry issues #11

The distribution of the 11th issue began today. Read the contents here:



You, Yes, You


I’m scared of your dark potential.

It unwinds serpentine

as you avoid collision and

– god forbid! – correlation

with other bodies on the street

all too efficient from having had

brushes with perceived fiends

but mostly eager to possess

a shallow pride you defend

by throwing tantrums of

unchecked greed and insecurity.

The Wanderer



often comes

in strange shapes.


Californian vineyards

and Australian seas

I haven’t seen you.

I don’t know if

I’ll get a visa for my dreams.


Of all the things

I left back home

I miss the hills.

The Drama-King


“I’m alone,” he cried

and pulled his hair

in desperation

from the small seat

on his high throne

but never looked beyond

his own reflection.



On the up side,

I’m not afraid of darkness

anymore. Horror

found me in broad daylight

and the hand was known.

In the Inside Pocket


An item or two of no importance.

An acorn or a corner of a leaf.

A marble and a hair clip.

Found poems meant to guide

and keep us grounded

respecting that we once

were children too.

By Your Sickbed


To attest the fact that

“our life is not our own”

I invent bunches of meaning

and lay them clustered

in the functions I perform.


I can be described at best

as mediocre or even arrested

in a wild adolescence of feeling.

But being given




at efficient action, I twist

with abandon the wet towel

that will cool your forehead.




[If you would like to learn more about the Poetry Issues project, read this.]



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Saturday, 04 March 2017 17:13
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