No, not Love – Fish and Hips

Friday, 22 May 2020 00:00

"No, not Love" and "Fish and Hips" are the two pieces comprising Part 2 of poetry issues #23, with infatuation as their main theme.

You can also read Part 1, here. Stay tuned for Part 3, which will be released next Friday.


poem and artwork


 You can find out more about the poetry issues project here.

Published in poetry

Something to Wait for – May 1st

Friday, 29 May 2020 00:00

The third poem of poetry issues #23 is called "Something to Wait for". The accompanying piece is "May 1st". Combined, they tell a tale of emotions in the age of commodity. 

You can also read Part 1 and Part 2 of the issue, released the previous 2 weeks.




You can find out more about the poetry issues project here.


Published in poetry

When This is Over – Take it Slow

Friday, 15 May 2020 00:00


Poetry issues #23, 1/5: When This is Over – Take it Slow


"When This is Over" is the first piece of poetry issues #23. Needless to say, it's a take on the corona experience. Its accompanying artwork is called "Take it Slow". Next Friday, the second piece of the issue will be published. Enjoy!


poem and artwork


You can find out more about the poetry issues project here.


Published in poetry

poetry issues #22

Friday, 14 February 2020 00:00

Poetry Issues #22 was published and distributed in January and February 2020 in five volumes, online and in postcard format. Below you can read the pieces, view the accompanying visual artwork and get a glimpse at the postcards. The next issue will follow in spring.


poem and artwork


poem and artwork


poem and artwork


poem and artwork




 You can read more about the poetry issues project here.







Published in verse

The Cat – Journey

Friday, 07 February 2020 00:00

Poetry issues #22, 5/5: The Cat – Journey

This week poetry issues #22 is completed with Part 5, containing the poem "The Cat" and the visual piece "Journey". Together with Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 they comprise the winter issue. Poetry issues #23 will follow in spring.


poem and artwork


You can find out more about the poetry issues project here.

Published in poetry

The Ship – Affair

Friday, 31 January 2020 00:00

Poetry issues #22, 4/5: The Ship – Affair


The past three weeks, Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of poetry issues #22 were published. This week, Part 4, containing the poem "The Ship" and the visual piece "Affair," appears here. The following Friday the last part of the issue will be published.


poem and artwork


You can find out more about the poetry issues project here.

Published in poetry

Erupting – Home

Friday, 24 January 2020 00:00

Poetry issues #22, 3/5: Erupting – Home

The past two weeks, Part 1 and Part 2 of poetry issues #22 were published. This week, Part 3, containing the poem "Erupting" and the visual piece "Family," appears here. The following two Fridays the last two parts of the issue will be published.


poem and artwork


You can find out more about the poetry issues project here.



Published in poetry

Hibernation Advice – Family

Friday, 17 January 2020 00:00

Poetry issues #22, 2/5: Hibernation Advice – Family

Last week Part 1 of poetry issues #22, containing "A Balcony" and "The View" was published. This week's poem is "Hibernation Advice," and "Family" is its accompanying visual piece. Every Friday for the next three weeks, a new poem will be published along with its unique artwork. Together, they will comprise poetry issues #22.


poem and artwork


 You can find out more about the poetry issues project here.




Published in poetry

A Balcony – The View

Friday, 10 January 2020 00:00

Poetry issues #22, 1/5: A Balcony – The View

Every Friday for the next four weeks, a new poem will be published, along with its unique artwork. Together, they will comprise poetry issues #22.




You can find out more about the poetry issues project here.




Published in poetry

poetry issues #21

Friday, 25 January 2019 00:00

A very special labor, the January-February issue. I hope you enjoy stories of identity and struggle:




Better watch people

from afar, like big cities.

Admire their beauty

from a distance and avoid

touching their fences.


On Saturn I'd be

five kilos less and that's what

matters more in this

floating universe where not

a thing weighs more than I.



Family Gatherings


All children wanted to be men

and no one cared to pick

homegrown rosemary and dill

for the women in the kitchen.


The boys came in pairs to steal

little cheese pies, then went on

with their precious outdoor life

of playing football and riding bikes.


The girls feared nothing more

than becoming their mothers

with lives spent over lemons

and eggs in hot fish soups.


We didn’t know then that kitchens

held so many secrets, far more

steaming than backyard politics.

Women have been always winning.





The crashing density  the stuffy thoughts

Of asthmatic lungs      gulping

The fake air               with greed

Everyone is trying

To grasp                   what they can

An old woman's         out of luck

Girlish games

Tired pigtails             unwashed

Nicotine and coffee    but

Without infatuation

The earth is flat         just

Give me oxygen



I'll Play it Cool


Every time

you want to hurt me

you twist your tongue

to warm it up

before it hits me

with whip-like speed.


I was never fast

with words and now

your gun of a finger

is pointing at me.

I will remain silent.

You cannot win.


The Duck Painting


It’s hard to tell if it is monochrome

or just faded into a pale delft blue

and why it's hanging in the living room

in this furnished simulation of some

home. I’ll change it – a lasting addition

in the long list of intentions. I start

counting the ducks but get distracted

by the frame. Gold and metallic and

more eighties than my mother. She

had one that looked the same. So,

there’s a faint reminder of who I am.

You find strange ways to connect

when life is condensed to a trolley bag.


 [You will learn more about the Poetry Issues project here.]


Published in news
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